
Looking for your dream job?

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Automation engineer (f/m/d)


Full Time

Cutting Machine Operator (f/m/d)


Full Time

Engine Mechanic (f/m/d)


Full Time

Constructor (f/m/d)


Part Time

WIG Welder (f/m/d)


Part Time

Electrician (f/m/d)


Part Time

Unsolicited application (f/m/d)


Part Time

we offer more

Safe workplace

Work in a growing and future-oriented company.

Flexible working time

Combine your free time with your job. You can organize your working hours yourself within the scope of your weekly working hours.

Fair payment

Good work is rewarded, we offer fair and above-average salary.

30 days vacation

Relaxation is essential, which is why you have 30 days of vacation at your disposal.

Provision for old age

Because pension provision is important, we subsidize your company pension scheme.

Familiar atmosphere

Work that is fun is good, great colleagues are better. We maintain a friendly relationship with each other.

Central workplace

No more long commutes – our central locations are easily accessible and come with a free parking space.

Additional insurance

We offer an attractive supplement to existing healthcare provision.