Blog article: Building Energy Act (GEG): How does it affect the future for companies in terms of energy supply?
BLOG ARTICLE Building Energy Act (GEG): How does it affect the future for companies in terms of energy supply? Few laws have caused as much of a stir in recent years as the latest amendment to the Building Energy Act (GEG), also known colloquially as the “Heating Act”. Having come into force on January 1, […]
Blog article: Self-sufficiency in energy generation
BLOG ARTICLE Self-sufficiency in energy generation: The rise of decentralized energy technologies With growing energy requirements, increasing environmental awareness and the growing desire for independence, self-sufficiency in energy generation is becoming a focus for large industries, medium-sized companies, municipalities and local authorities. The need to become independent of external energy sources while ensuring a sustainable, […]
Blog article: The generational contract: climate neutrality by 2045
BLOG ARTICLE The generational contract: climate neutrality by 2045 The German government has sent out a clear signal by amending the Climate Protection Act: Germany is to become climate-neutral by 2045. To this end, the national climate protection targets have been tightened, with the aim of reducing CO2 emissions by 65% by 2030 compared to […]